Tantangan Ember Es Ala Anak-anak TK di Krasnoyarsk

Children watch their classmates pour cold water on themselves, under the watch of fitness coach Oksana Kabotko (not pictured), as part of a health and fitness program at a local kindergarten in subzero temperatures, in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, Russia, February 9, 2016. The program, which also involves sports training and sauna usage, has been practiced by the kindergarten for more than 15 years. Children start pouring cold water on themselves outdoors after about two to three years of training and undergoing medical tests; and the kindergarten is the only one in the region which uses these exercises, according to employees. The kindergarten is only one in Krasnoyarsk where were not fixed any case of disease by flu, an epidemic which has swept the region, local media reported.

Children watch their classmates pour cold water on themselves, under the watch of fitness coach Oksana Kabotko (not pictured), as part of a health and fitness program at a local kindergarten in subzero temperatures, in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, Russia, February 9, 2016. The program, which also involves sports training and sauna usage, has been practiced by the kindergarten for more than 15 years. Children start pouring cold water on themselves outdoors after about two to three years of training and undergoing medical tests; and the kindergarten is the only one in the region which uses these exercises, according to employees. The kindergarten is only one in Krasnoyarsk where were not fixed any case of disease by flu, an epidemic which has swept the region, local media reported.

Anak-anak menonton teman-teman sekelas mereka menyiramkan air dingin pada diri mereka.

Anak-anak menonton teman-teman sekelas mereka menyiramkan air dingin pada diri mereka, di bawah pengawasan pelatih kebugaran Oksana Kabotko (tidak ada dalam foto), sebagai bagian dari program kesehatan dan kebugaran di taman kanak-kanak setempat — dengan suhu udara di bawah nol derajat — di Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, Rusia (9/2). Program yang juga termasuk pelatihan olahraga dan penggunaan sauna ini, telah dipraktikkan di sana selama lebih dari 15 tahun. Anak-anak mulai menuangkan air dingin pada diri mereka sendiri di luar setelah 2 – 3 tahun pelatihan dan menjalani tes medis. Menurut karyawan sekolah, TK tersebut adalah satu-satunya TK di Krasnoyarsk yang menerapkan latihan ini. Selain itu, media setempat melaporkan bahwa TK ini adalah satu-satunya TK di Krasnoyarsk yang tidak terkena wabah flu babi, sementara epidemi telah melanda wilayah tersebut.

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